Due to lack of funds, we are forced to temporarily close our doors on Monday, February 3.

We hope to be able to re-open soon!
(Our mail-in department remains going, but expect longer wait times.)

Due to the Jan 29 raid against The Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary, and the November 2024 raid against The Medicinal Mushroom Dispensary, we are having a financial crisis.

Get Your Drugs Tested was founded by Dana Larsen in 2019, and is almost entirely funded by these two dispensary operations, plus some public donations.

We receive zero funding from any level of government.

These recent raids and seizures have caused massive financial losses which would have gone towards funding Get Your Drugs Tested.

Without a strong show of public support we are at serious risk of a permanent shut-down.

If these dispensary raids continue, Get Your Drugs Tested will be forced to permanently close.

We need community support!

Make a few phone calls!

Please call Mayor Ken Sim at 604-873-7621, and our local Vancouver-Strathcona MLA Joan Phillip at  (604) 660-0707, and leave a brief message saying that you support Get Your Drugs Tested and want the raids against Dana Larsen’s dispensaries to stop.

Send a message to Vancouver City Council!

You can please send a message to all of Vancouver’s city councillors at this link. It’s very important that they know Vancouver stands behind us and our work. (On that form, for “neighbourhood” you can put Strathcona.)

Send some emails

If you want have a bigger impact, you can send an email to all these addresses:

Premier David Eby: [email protected]

Vancouver-Strathcona MLA Joan Phillip: [email protected]

Vancouver City Council: [email protected]

Make a donation!

If you’ve ever thought about making a donation, now is the perfect time. Every dollar you kick in helps us to re-open faster and hopefully even expand our services in the future. Now more than ever!

Click here to make a tax-deductible donation online!

You can also donate by email money transfer to: [email protected]
Make the question: What comes first? and the answer: Safety

You can also send a cheque made out to the “Vancouver Harm Reduction Society” at: 880 East Hastings St, Vancouver BC V6A 1R6

Thank you for your support!

We need to all help take care of each other through these difficult times.