UNDERSTANDING TEST RESULTS: Our spectrometers have a 5% threshold for detection. This means that we cannot detect anything present in a sample under 5%. This could include unexpected or dangerous substances! When we provide a percentage, be aware that the technician uses the software and their own experience to estimate the amount of each substance present. To reflect uncertainty, these percentages are given in a range. These estimates may not be accurate, may vary between technicians and between samples from the same batch. Another thing to consider is that poor mixing and inconsistent production can mean that a small sample does not represent the entire pill or batch it was drawn from.

We do not include percentages if only one substance is detected. Values listed as N/A are substances we were unable to assign a percentage to.
Tests highlighted in red indicate particularly dangerous or unexpected results. Flagged samples can alslo be viewed on our Alerts page.

We also use test strips to detect the presence of fentanyl, benzodiazapenes, and lysergamide (LSD).


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  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY

ImageDetailsSold asResultsTest strip resultsNotesLocationDate
blue pebbledownerithrytol, caffeine, fentanyl (5-10%)Vancouver, BC10/16/2019
grey chunkfentanylfentanyl positive, benzo negative; FTIR inconclusive Vancouver, BC10/16/2019
yellow pebbledownpolyethylene glycol, mannitol, fentanylVancouver, BC10/16/2019
white powderetizolametizolamVancouver, BC10/16/2019
yellow pebblecarfentanilpolyethylene glycol, fentanyl or analogueour machine has difficulty telling the difference between fentanyl and its analogues. This may be any number of fentanyl analogues.Vancouver, BC10/16/2019
yellow chunkdown>55% caffeine, >40% mannitol (sugar alcohol), 1-4% fentanylVancouver, BC10/15/2019
beige chunksdown>60% caffeine, ~20-25% fentanyl and inconclusive componentryVancouver, BC10/15/2019
brown chunksdown~2/3 polyethylene glycol and ~1/3 fentanylVancouver, BC10/15/2019
beige chunksdown~45% fentanyl, the rest made up of priopionanilide and propionate (potential precursors or by products)Vancouver, BC10/15/2019
grey circle pill4 ho met~75% cellulose and ~25% potentially 4-ho-mpt (cannot rule out 4-ho-met)known as coloursVancouver, BC10/15/2019
white powder in gel capmdmaFTIR results - mdma with no discernable cutting agentssuspected lsd - lsd test strip was positiveVancouver, BC10/15/2019
beige chunkdown>65% caffeine, ~25% fentanyl, inconclusive other componentry#6, benzodiazepine negativeVancouver, BC10/15/2019
brown chunksdownpropionanilide (potential precursor or by product) and inconclusive other componentry. fentanyl positive 1-4%#5, benzodiazepine negativeVancouver, BC10/15/2019
purple powderdown<45% polyethylene glycol, <30% fentanyl, <25% caffeine#4, benzodiazepine negativeVancouver, BC10/15/2019
white powderheroin~45% caffeine, ~40% phenacetin, potential creatine. benzodiazepine negative. fentanyl negativecarfentanil cannot always be found with test strips. no guarantee of no active presentVancouver, BC10/15/2019
white pressed bar (with stamp)xanaxcellulose with stearate (lubricant). benzodiazepine positive 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/15/2019
white pressed pilloxycodonecellulose, oxycodone and stearate (lubricant)Vancouver, BC10/15/2019
white powder in gel capunknown~50% nandrolone, ~25% methyldrostanolone, ~25% celluloseVancouver, BC10/15/2019
beige powderdownheroin, fentanyl positive 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/15/2019
beige powderdown>60% heroin, >20% fentanyl, >15% inositol (sugar alcohol)Vancouver, BC10/15/2019
beige chunksdown~40% fentanyl, with propionanilide and other precursors/byproducts#3, benzodiazepine negativeVancouver, BC10/15/2019
liquidlsdconfirmed lsd with the FTIRVancouver, BC10/15/2019
white powderdownerythritol (sugar alcohol) with ~15-20% fentanyl#2, benzodiazepine negativeVancouver, BC10/15/2019
blue chunkdown>75% erythritol (sugar alcohol), >15% caffeine, ~5%+ fentanyl Vancouver, BC10/15/2019
white circle pressed pill (68 or 89 stamp, X stamp)unknowncellulose and sugarfentanyl and benzodiazepine negativeVancouver, BC10/14/2019
white powdercocainecocaine with <5% flour or starchVancouver, BC10/14/2019
white crystalketamine<70% ketamine, <30% methamphetamine, ~5% dimethyl sulfone (MSM)MSM is a dietary supplementVancouver, BC10/14/2019
red/pink chunksdown>60% caffeine, >30% mannitol, fentanyl positive 1-4%, benzodiazepine positive 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/14/2019
snoopy blotterlsdinconclusive FTIR. negative lsd test stripOkanagan region, BC10/14/2019
dr seuss blotterlsdinconclusive FTIR. positive lsd test stripAnonymous, BC10/14/2019
emoji blotterlsdinconclusive FTIR. positive lsd test stripAnonymous, BC10/14/2019
liquidcannabis tincture - 80% ethanol, cannabis, flavouringinconclusiveas always, seems only thc or cbd isolates are testableVancouver, BC10/14/2019
white powder in red baggiecocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/13/2019
white powder in vialcocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/13/2019
yellow crystalsmdmamdmano discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/13/2019
white powderdownglutamine with ~45% 5-it hemisuccinatefentanyl and benzodiazapine tests negativeVancouver, BC10/13/2019
brown powder in plain baggiedowncaffeine with ~33% inositol, fentanyl positivebenzodiazapine test negativeVancouver, BC10/13/2019
clear liquid in dropper bottlethc1,2,4-butanetriol with ~45% bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl) ethersimilar to glycerol and erythritolVancouver, BC10/13/2019
white powder in vialcocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/13/2019
clear crystals in unmarked baggiemdmamethamphetmaine no discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/13/2019
beige powderdownheroin with fentanyl ~30% and lactose ~30%benzodiazapine test negative, test performed on oct 08, sample #2Vancouver, BC10/13/2019
small white rounded pill with no markings or imprintsperindoprillactose with ~36% hemicellulasefentanyl and benzodiazapine negative, test performed on oct 08Vancouver, BC10/13/2019
white round tablet with 211 imprintamlodipineftir testing inconclusivepill image results show amlodipine besylate 2.5mg, test performed on oct 08Vancouver, BC10/13/2019
small round orange tablet with apo 25benzodiazapinelactose with hydrochlorothiazide ~35%HCTZ (hydrochlorothiazide) is a thiazide diuretic (water pill), test performed on oct 08Vancouver, BC10/13/2019
brown chunkfentanyl~35% methamphetamine, ~30% caffeine, ~30% mannitol (sugar alcohol), fentanyl positive 1-4%only wanted to know the fentanyl %, the side (methamphetamine) and down were stored together creating cross contaminationVancouver, BC10/12/2019
white powder2C-B2cC-B. GCMS confirmed that this is 2C-B no discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/12/2019
white powderunknown - thought to be ritalincocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/12/2019
clear crystalsketamineketamineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/12/2019
white powdercocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/12/2019
brown powdermdmamdma with ~5% mannitol (sugar alcohol)Vancouver, BC10/12/2019
Credit to SimpleMaps.com for the list of Canadian cities used in this list.