Image Details Sold as Results Test strip results Notes Location Date Category: OpioidDescription: Purple GranulesCode: BCP101224Sold as: FentanylResult: Caffeine Propionanilide Uncertain Fentanyl Analog Xylazine Uncertain Match
Fentanyl: PositiveBenzodiazepine: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White PowderCode: Bino13Sold as: 2C-BResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White PowderCode: Bino12Sold as: 2C-BResult: 2C-B HBr Microcrystalline Cellulose Uncertain Oil
Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: The majority of this sample was 2C-B HBrUnknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White CrystalCode: XAK3Sold as: KetamineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Colourless CrystalCode: XAK2Sold as: KetamineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Light Brown CrystalCode: XAK1Sold as: MDMAResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: OpioidDescription: Light Brown GranulesSold as: FentanylResult: Caffeine Mannitol Xylazine Dimethyl Sulfone Xylitol
Fentanyl: PositiveBenzodiazepine: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: OpioidDescription: Light Brown GranulesSold as: FentanylResult: Erythritol Caffeine Xylitol
Fentanyl: PositiveBenzodiazepine: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/06/2025 Category: DepressantDescription: Light Blue TabletCode: Y27X51Sold as: AlprazolamResult: Fentanyl: NegativeBenzodiazepine: PositiveNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: White CrystalCode: SDC4Sold as: 4-MMCResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: OtherDescription: White TabletCode: blueberrySold as: OxandroloneResult: Microcrystalline Cellulose Calcium Stearate Oxandrolone
Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: The majority of this sample was microcrystalline cellulose with a very small amount of oxandroloneUnknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: OpioidDescription: Dark Brown OrganicCode: chaiSold as: OpiumResult: Opium Uncertain Carbohydrate Uncertain Oil
Fentanyl: NegativeBenzodiazepine: NegativeNotes: Brampton, ON 02/06/2025 Category: OtherDescription: White TabletCode: strawberrySold as: OxandroloneResult: Microcrystalline Cellulose Calcium Stearate Oxandrolone
Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Imprint: OG, the majority of this sample was microcrystalline cellulose with a very small amount of oxandroloneAnonymous, CAN 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White CrystalSold as: KetamineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/06/2025 Category: OtherDescription: White ChunkCode: AB3-TADSold as: TadalafilResult: Microcrystalline Cellulose Sildenafil Tadalafil Uncertain Oil
Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: The majority of this sample is microcrystalline cellulose. There appears to be more sildenafil than tadalafil in this sampleVancouver, BC 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Light Brown PowderCode: AB3-MALSold as: MethallylescalineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Light Brown PowderCode: AB3-2CBSold as: 2C-BResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Light Brown PowderCode: AB3-DMTSold as: 4-AcO-DMTResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Light Brown CrystalCode: ohsnap2Sold as: MDMAResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Anonymous, CAN 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Light Brown GranulesSold as: 4-AcO-DMTResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: Light Brown CrystalSold as: 3-CMCResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: Light Brown CrystalCode: ohsnap1Sold as: 4-MMCResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White GranulesCode: TM1124AMTSold as: alpha-MethyltryptamineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: This did not match our reference spectra for alpha-methyltryptamineUnknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White PowderCode: TM1124MSSold as: MescalineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White GranulesCode: TM11242CBSold as: 2C-BResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: UnknownDescription: Light Brown PowderSold as: UnknownResult: Fentanyl: NegativeBenzodiazepine: PositiveNotes: This sample shares similarities with several benzodiazepines, but could not be confirmedAnonymous, QC 02/06/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: Light Brown GranulesCode: MV8244MMCSold as: 4-MMCResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Light Brown CrystalCode: DRKETDSMDSold as: MDMAResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: White PowderCode: DRKETOBCOKESold as: CocaineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: The cocaine content in this sample appears to be 85-95% with phenacetin making up the observable remainder.Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: White PowderSold as: 4-MMCResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White GranulesSold as: DMTResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/06/2025 Category: DepressantDescription: White GranulesCode: cobb7Sold as: AlprazolamResult: Fentanyl: NegativeBenzodiazepine: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: UnknownDescription: Brown GranulesCode: UPFVXYMPG8USold as: UnknownResult: Erythritol Caffeine Ortho-Methylfentanyl Para-Fluorofentanyl
Fentanyl: PositiveBenzodiazepine: NegativeNotes: There was a small amount of para-fluorofentanyl and ortho-methylfentanyl in this sampleAnonymous, CAN 02/05/2025 Category: DepressantDescription: White PowderCode: cobb1Sold as: AlprazolamResult: 4-fluoro MBZP Uncertain Match
Fentanyl: NegativeBenzodiazepine: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: UnknownDescription: Yellow GranulesCode: WWPKYMQUHUMUGSold as: UnknownResult: Caffeine Erythritol Ortho-Methylfentanyl Fentanyl
Fentanyl: PositiveBenzodiazepine: PositiveNotes: There was a small amount of fentanyl and ortho-methylfentanyl in this sampleAnonymous, CAN 02/05/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: White CrystalCode: CWT4RR C3Sold as: MDMAResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: UnknownDescription: Dark Purple GranulesCode: NK3FN7JAMAZYSold as: UnknownResult: Ortho-Methylfentanyl Para-Fluorofentanyl Uncertain Match
Fentanyl: PositiveBenzodiazepine: NegativeNotes: The majority of this sample consisted of the fentanyl analog content with a small uncertain match Anonymous, CAN 02/05/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: White PowderCode: CWT4RR B2Sold as: CocaineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: OpioidDescription: Light Brown PowderCode: CWT4RR A1Sold as: HeroinResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: UnknownDescription: Pink GranulesCode: UV386TMBR3NSold as: UnknownResult: Caffeine Fentanyl Erythritol Uncertain Match
Fentanyl: PositiveBenzodiazepine: PositiveNotes: The majority of this sample is caffeine, but there is a fair amount of fentanyl and an uncertain match that resembles ortho-methylfentanylAnonymous, CAN 02/05/2025 Category: OpioidDescription: Light Brown PowderSold as: HeroinResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: Pink PowderSold as: AmphetamineResult: Caffeine Microcrystalline Cellulose Methamphetamine Calcium Stearate
Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/05/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: White PowderCode: PNS CLOVERSold as: CocaineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/05/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: Dark Red GranulesCode: 20190029 3Sold as: AmphetamineResult: Amphetamine Uncertain Mineral
Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: White PowderCode: PNS HORSESold as: CocaineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/05/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: White GranulesCode: 20190029 2Sold as: AmphetamineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Colourless CrystalCode: rockstarxxx3Sold as: MDMAResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/05/2025 Category: StimulantDescription: White ChunkCode: 20190029 1Sold as: AmphetamineResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025 Category: PsychedelicDescription: Light Pink CrystalCode: rockstarxxx2Sold as: MDMAResult: Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Vancouver, BC 02/05/2025 Category: OtherDescription: White PowderSold as: AndrostenoloneResult: Androstenolone Uncertain Carbohydrate
Fentanyl: NegativeNotes: Unknown, Unknown 02/05/2025