UNDERSTANDING TEST RESULTS: Our spectrometers have a 5% threshold for detection. This means that we cannot detect anything present in a sample under 5%. This could include unexpected or dangerous substances! When we provide a percentage, be aware that the technician uses the software and their own experience to estimate the amount of each substance present. To reflect uncertainty, these percentages are given in a range. These estimates may not be accurate, may vary between technicians and between samples from the same batch. Another thing to consider is that poor mixing and inconsistent production can mean that a small sample does not represent the entire pill or batch it was drawn from.

We do not include percentages if only one substance is detected. Values listed as N/A are substances we were unable to assign a percentage to.
Tests highlighted in red indicate particularly dangerous or unexpected results. Flagged samples can alslo be viewed on our Alerts page.

We also use test strips to detect the presence of fentanyl, benzodiazapenes, and lysergamide (LSD).


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  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY

ImageDetailsSold asResultsTest strip resultsNotesLocationDate
white powdermephedronemephedroneVancouver, BC10/30/2019
orange pebbledowncaffeine, fentanyl (40-50%)Vancouver, BC10/30/2019
brown pebbledowncaffeine, inositol, polyethylene glycol, ~5% fentanylVancouver, BC10/30/2019
orange pebbledowncaffeine, mannitol, ~5% fentanylVancouver, BC10/30/2019
orange pebbledowncaffeine, mannitol, ~5% fentanylVancouver, BC10/30/2019
fentanyl<70% caffeine, <30% xylitol, fentanyl or analogue 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
light brown granulecarfentanilpolyethylene glycol with ~25-30% fentanyl hclcarfentanil cannot fully be ruled outVancouver, BC10/29/2019
dark brown powderunknown - found~75% caffeine, <20% inositol (sugar alcohol), fentanyl hcl >5%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
pink pebblefentanyl>90% caffeine, ~5% xylitol, fentanyl or analogue 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
brown chunk (misc.)down - fentanyl & heroin>40% xylitol (sugar alcohol), ~40% caffeine, fentanyl (most likely fentanyl hcl) ~15-20%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
light brown powderlsdlsdno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/29/2019
pink powder2-cb~60% mdma (this appeared to contain piperonyl alcohols) and ~40% ketaminenot conclusive, but not a 2-c familyVancouver, BC10/29/2019
colourless crystalmdmamdmamain sample was said to purple and clear. no discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/29/2019
white crystalketamineketamine with ~20% methamphetaminesuspected methamphetamine cutVancouver, BC10/29/2019
clear crystalketamineketamine with ~5% methamphetaminesuspected methamphetamine cutVancouver, BC10/29/2019
white crystalketamineketamineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/29/2019
white chunk (misc.)cocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/29/2019
white chunk (misc.)cocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/29/2019
brown pebblemdmamdma with trace precursorsAnonymous, AB10/29/2019
black crystalmdmamda with ~10% organic based oilAnonymous, AB10/29/2019
white powdercocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsAnonymous, AB10/29/2019
green granulesdown - fentanyl & heroin<55% mannitol (sugar alcohol), <45% caffeine, fentanyl or analogue 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
light brown granulefentanyl<70% mannitol (sugar alcohol), <30% caffeine, fentanyl or analogue 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
light green granuledown - fentanyl & heroin<60% mannitol (sugar alcohol), <40% caffeine, fentanyl or analogue 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
pink granuledown - fentanyl & heroincaffeine, fentanyl or analogue 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
light purple pebblesdown - fentanyl & heroin<55% mannitol (sugar alcohol), <45% caffeine, fentanyl or analogue 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
blue pebblesdown - fentanyl/heroin<60% mannitol (sugar alcohol), <40% caffeine, fentanyl or analogue 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
white powderdowncaffeine with ~15% fentanylVancouver, BC10/29/2019
light brown chunksdowncaffeine with ~30% fentanylVancouver, BC10/29/2019
green powder in green tinted baggiedowncaffeine, mannitol, positive for fentanyl at 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
light brown chunksdowncaffeine, fentanyl postitive at 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/29/2019
purple chunk in plastic flapdown~60% mannitol, ~40% caffeine, fentanyl positive 1-4%Vancouver, BC10/28/2019
white powder in clear baggie2cb~60% benzylpiperazine, ~40% methylamphetamineVancouver, BC10/28/2019
white powder in white bagcocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/28/2019
white powder in pink tinted bagcocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/28/2019
residue on filter and cookerdownpositive for fentanyl and benzodiazepine via strip testsVancouver, BC10/28/2019
residue on filter and cookerdownnegative for fentanyl and benzodiazepine via strip testsVancouver, BC10/28/2019
residue on filter and cookerdownpositive for fentanyl on stripVancouver, BC10/28/2019
white powderheroinheroinno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/28/2019
white chunksketamineno signal on ftir, negative for fentanyl and benzodiazepineVancouver, BC10/28/2019
dark brown crystalmdmamdmano discernable cutting agents or adulterantsVancouver, BC10/28/2019
pink powder in clear baggie2cb~50/50 ketamine and mdmaVancouver, BC10/28/2019
white powder in gel capmdmamdma with ~15% mannitolMontreal, QC10/28/2019
light blue pressed pill (chunks of)oxycodone 30could only discern talc. fentanyl and benzodiazepine negativeBarrie, ON10/28/2019
white powdercocainecocaineno discernable cutting agents or adulterantsInnisfil, ON10/28/2019
blotter paperlsdlsdTofino, BC10/28/2019
colourless crystalmethamphetaminemethamphetamineVancouver, BC10/28/2019
purple pebbledowncaffeine, erythritol, fentanylalso positive for benzosVancouver, BC10/28/2019
white powdercocainecocaine, ketamineVancouver, BC10/28/2019
clear liquidgabapentinpropylene glycol, o-sulfobenzimide sodium saltVancouver, BC10/28/2019
Credit to SimpleMaps.com for the list of Canadian cities used in this list.